


为了切实提高本校非英语专业本科生以及研究生的英语写作能力,外国语学院大学英语部及研究生英语部动员任课教师组织本班学生参与了中国高校英语写作教学协同创新联盟发起的“中国学生英文写作能力调研活动”,此次调研活动于410日开始,510日结束。的题目是“Let the classics be classics”,已经被全国超过480所高校的老师引用布置3826次,学生已经累计提交作文282451篇。北京共计44所院校参加竞赛,目前北京工商大学,共有34位老师,引用布置36次,学生共提交作文3555篇,为北京地区参与学生人数最多的高校。
Some people hold the view that the classics are classics because they have stood the test of time. Therefore, they are to be treasured by people of all generations, ours being no exception. Others believe that the classics represent the wisdom of the past. As we are advancing towards the future, it is our responsibility to venture into the unknown and generate new understanding of man and nature. What is your view on this issue? Write an essay in 300-500 words in response to this question and give reasons to support your position.
Write an essay in 100-500 words in response to this question and give reasons to support your position.